Monday 20 July 2009

The state of economics

This week's Economist has some articles on the credit crunch and the science of economics. It is fairly critical of both macroeconomics andfinancial economics. My feeling is that it is a bit harsh to half-blame economics, particularly financial economics, for causing the crisis. There are a number of reflections on the Economist articles in the blogosphere by Stephanie Flanders here, Paul Krugman and Brad DeLong. Krugman is partly defensive, but DeLong isn't:
In my view, when you have Nobel Memorial Prize-caliber economists like Arizona State's Edward Prescott, Chicago's Robert Lucas and Eugene Fama, and Harvard's Robert Barro claiming that there are valid theoretical arguments proving that fiscal stimulus simply cannot work, not even in a deep depression--even though they cannot enunciate such theoretical arguments coherently--it is entirely fair for outsiders to conclude that academic economics as a profession is useless.

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